Phased Approach to CDS Export Migration

After a period of development work between HMRC and trade, the Department has now publicly announced a phased implementation approach for CDS exports. The key information is as below:

“After listening to feedback from industry, HMRC is implementing a phased approach for businesses moving to CDS for exports.

During the first phase, HMRC and its software developers will support selected high-volume declarants to move to CDS for exports by Thursday 30 November 2023.

The second stage of this approach will see all other businesses move to CDS for exports by Saturday 30 March 2024.”

The full announcement with more details can be read HERE.

BIFA has been heavily involved in these discussions with HMRC on behalf of its Members and welcomes a clear plan for the implementation of CDS Exports. If one thing that the implementation of CDS imports taught us, it was the importance of planning and being well prepared to implement new procedures. We would ask all Members affected to remember this important lesson and prepare well for the new processes.

BIFA will keep its Members up to date regarding CDS implementation including, when agreed, any joint awareness events held jointly with HMRC.