Urgent Notice for CDS Update

HMRC has advised us regarding a CDS update scheduled for the weekend between 20th April – 21st April 2024 to extend enforcement of completion for document ID or document reason fields as appropriate against certain document codes.

PLEASE NOTE: If the document ID or document reason is not completed according to the requirements as set out in Data Element 2/3 Documents and Other Reference Codes (National) then the declaration will be rejected

Any declarations which have been pre-lodged without the appropriate document ID or document reason completed, will need to be amended before the declaration is arrived. Any declarations which are rejected will need to be resubmitted with the appropriate field completed.

Document CodeDocument DescriptionRequirement
9039Russian origin diamonds processed in third countries which are smaller than 1 carat (0.2 grams or equivalent in weight)Document Reason
9048All goods not subject to sanctions, including processed diamonds from third countries which did not originate in RussiaDocument Reason
9063The General Trade Licence for sanctioned iron and steelDocument ID
9065Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump equipment (RACHP) for destruction.Document Reason
9066Undertaking declares goods are imported directly to Northern IrelandDocument Reason
9068The Iran (Sanctions) Regulations 2023 do not applyDocument Reason
911YGoods exempt from the requirement to hold a Home Office licence for drugs precursor chemicalsDocument Reason
913YGoods exempt from the requirement to hold a Home Office drugs licenceDocument Reason

For more information, please see the attached document received from HMRC.