The need to understand and address the environmental impact of freight forwarders’ activities within global supply chains grows by the day.

There is a clear direction of travel on this subject and we want to help our Members, small and large, who may need support on where to start when it comes to taking effective action to understand and reduce their carbon footprint.

Members are already seeking guidance from their trade association and this is where BIFA’s cooperation with Pledge will help.

Pledge is an integrated carbon measurement and offsetting platform, and is supporting BIFA in preparing its Members for change.

Here Members can access a series of useful blog posts, tools and resources to help them better understand and address these issues that affect how they manage international supply chains.

PLEASE NOTE: Whilst BIFA co-operates with Pledge, other carbon calculators are available which may be better suited to your particular company’s needs. 

State of Sustainability Report 2024

In April 2024, BIFA reached out to its Members with a brand new survey, looking to gain a deeper insight into its Members sustainability practises. It is the latest systematic survey of sustainability for the UK freight forwarding sector to establish the true market conditions.

The information obtained from the survey will shape best practice guidance and influence how BIFA will represent members’ interests on this subject in future interaction with the government and other stakeholders who are developing legislation on the matter. The insights gathered will also be essential in identifying key areas for improvement and developing practical solutions for sustainability in freight forwarding.

The findings from the survey was then collated into a co-published report by both BIFA and Pledge, and that report can now be read below!

Useful Resources

(expand the menus below to access)

Offsetting *Coming Soon*