HMRC announces two consultations to implement Border 2025 Strategy

In the Spring Budget, the government announced a series of initiatives to improve how goods move across the border. Previously, BIFA has circulated information on a voluntary standard for customs intermediaries. Two more have now been announced.

The Future of Customs Declarations

This call for evidence seeks views on how customs declaration requirements can be streamlined and how technology can be used to make meeting these requirements easy and as cost effective as possible. This form’s part of the government’s vision within the 2025 UK Border Strategy for the UK border to be the most effective in the world by simplifying the process for traders and embracing innovation. The consultation can be accessed HERE.

As an association, we are not impressed by Q14, and are advising HMRC on this point.

** This consultation closes on September 8th 2023 **

Bringing Goods Into The UK Temporarily

This call for evidence seeks views from individuals, businesses and intermediaries on how the Temporary Admission (TA) procedure is working and, in particular, their experience of using TA in the UK. The consultation can be accessed HERE.

** This consultation closes on September 22nd 2023 **