HMRC – STW Programme / S&S GB User Research Invitation

HMRC is seeking volunteers to participate in User Research related to the Single Trade Window (STW) Program – Safety & Security (S&S) GB submissions. For more information, please see the below invitation received from HMRC:

As you may be aware the Technical Development Partner (TDP) has now joined the STW Programme, and the next round of User Research (UR) activity needs your support across various topics for SR1.

The UR sessions will be between 60 – 90 minutes and will be based on different topics with this first request for volunteers who use S&S GB. The UR team will be asking some questions on current import process experiences and will also share a view of a S&S GB prototype website and ask for your feedback on it.

The S&S GB User Research dates are as follows –

  • Round 1 Weds 26th – Fri 28th July   
  • Round 2 Mon 7th – Weds 9th August

Please let us know if you would like to be involved and which round. We will be in touch on other STW UR activities in the near future.

Thanks for your assistance with these User Research activities.

If you are interested in participation please send your contact details to