FIATA Releases New Guide on Electronic Contracting

FIATA has release its latest publication: the Best Practice Guide on Electronic Contracting, developed under the auspices of the FIATA Advisory Body on Legal Matters (ABLM) to provide best practices when contracting by electronic means throughout the process.

While traditional paper-based processes persist, the recent pandemic has demonstrated the immense potential of modern, electronic border procedures.

In other words, electronic contracting is no longer an option, and the logistics industry should be prepared for this if they want to remain competitive. Various considerations come into play when conducting legal relations through digital means. From a legal point of view, the relevant point is whether contracts concluded and/or performed through digital means are valid, binding and enforceable.

The guide takes into account various practices around the world from a global perspective and provides practical tips to consider when using electronic contracts.

The guide can be accessed HERE.

Source: FIATA