HMRC – User Research Survey

HMRC is looking for volunteers to complete a short survey to help inform User Research related to the development of the Digital Services. Please see below the outline of the survey, received by HMRC.

The objective of the research is to estimate the proportion of traders who have contrasting approaches and expectations towards available guidance and offerings around the customs process. This will be compared to other factors such as size and age of business and whether the business imports or exports more, to see if there are any trends for which services could be better tailored.

The ideal participant must:

  • Be employed by a business that moves, or is looking into moving, products across the UK border.
  • Or be an owner of such a business
  • Have a role that involves customs related tasks

The survey is browser-based and anonymous. It will take 5 minutes to complete and is split into 3 sections:

  • A multiple choice section on your involvement with importing.
  • A 3-question poll about your approach to understanding what to do.
  • 3 questions on describing a service in a few words.

The survey can be completed HERE. If you have any questions, please email