IATA Scam Message Warning

Some of our members are receiving scam messages related to CASS non-payments. These can usually be spotted by an irregular email address used. An example of a typical scam message is below.

Dear info,

Our records indicate that full remittance has not been received by the CASS Settlement Office from your company in respect of the stipulated end-of-remittance date, as per the billing associated with your company.

In adherence to the IATA Cargo Rules (Resolution 801r, Section 2, Paragraph 2.7), we are obligated to dispatch a Notice of Irregularity to your esteemed company, thereby assigning a single penalty point.

It is imperative to remind you that the accumulation of four penalty points within a twelve-month consecutive period may result in the suspension of your company from CASS, pending a comprehensive financial review.

Moreover, should the CASS Office not receive the complete remittance by the final day of the grace period, your company may face suspension from CASS.

We trust you understand the gravity of this matter and recognize that prompt attention to this request is in the best interest of all parties involved.

If the payment has already been made before now, kindly confirm by replying to this email with your payment confirmation. If, however, the payment is yet to be made, we kindly request you to respond to this message for the provision of our updated bank account details to facilitate the payment and future transactions for we are currently transitioning to a new bank account due to an ongoing audit on our previous account, which is currently inactive for receiving payments.

Yours Sincerely,
Oleksandr Khabarov

IATA Operations & Service Centre – Europe
International Air Transport Association


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If in any doubt, always check with directly with IATA using your usual communications channels.