Implementation of EES and Schengen Travel (90/180 Days)

UK HGV operators who do business in the EU have reported that they are unable to maintain usual business operations without their drivers exceeding 90 out of 180 days in the Schengen zone.   

This is of concern to BIFA as it effects all UK companies who have non-EU staff working in the EU and is likely to impact their business. Therefore, BIFA has decided to support the RHA’s survey on this subject. More information on this topic can be found in July’s edition of BIFAlink.

The EU Entry/Exit System (EES) comes online in November 2024, and alongside taking biometrics will digitally track whenever a traveller enters and exits the Schengen zone regardless of point of entry/departure.

This means that drivers and any other non-EU staff working for the BIFA exceeding their 90/180 limit will be caught, will not be allowed to travel and will possibly incur fines or other penalties.

In order to demonstrate to Government the level of impact this will have on UK exports and coach travel, we are asking all members who currently engage in business in continental Europe to fill out this survey.

As any change in this area will necessitate renegotiation of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement, it is only through demonstrating a significant impact to the UK economy will we have any chance of convincing the Government to pursue a solution. Therefore we need as many businesses who drive and have non-EU nationals working in the EU as possible to complete the survey.

The results of this survey will be used as a key part of engagement with the new Government, so please complete the survey by the 10 August 2024.