French Transit Management System (Delta-T) Downtime

French Customs authorities will be switching off their national transit management system (Delta-T) from Friday 25 October at 18:00 until Monday 28 October at 10:00 (Central European Time)

Goods travelling under transit from the UK will have to stop upon arrival into France for the Office of Transit function to be completed manually.

Please see below HMRC announcement for more information:

French customs authorities will be switching off their national transit management system (Delta-T) from Friday 25 October at 18:00 until Monday 28 October at 10:00 (Central European Time) to complete the changeover from Phase 4 to Phase 5. Full details of the system downtime are set out HERE.

The French Delta-T system will not be operating during the system downtime. All goods moving under Transit from the UK will have to stop upon arrival into France for the Office of Transit function to be completed manually by French customs officers.

French authorities will be mobilising all their services during this downtime to offer the smoothest possible flow of freight traffic.

This downtime does not affect GB systems and no change in process is required by UK operators who will also continue to complete the SI BREXIT system.

Please note this is not an HMRC outage and we are unable to respond to any queries on the French system downtime.