FIATA | What you need to know about the new Brazil Customs regulations

As of July 1st, freight forwarders should change their import process when sending goods into Brazil, in alignment with new Customs regulations.

The Cargo and Transit Control (CCT) Import System is a ‘new system of the “Portal Único de Comércio Exterior” (Foreign Trade Single Portal) for the control of cargo and transit in imports that will progressively replace the Mantra System.’

All cargo records are now to be performed only on the CCT import system. Non-schedular flights will remain on the Mantra system. Training on using the system can be found here

For further clarification, kindly shared by the FIATA Brazilian Association, Associacao Nacional Das Empresas Transitarias, Agentes De Carga Aerea, Comissarias De Despachos e Operadores Intermodais – ACTC, please click here.

For news coverage on the topic, please click here.

If you would like to watch a video about the new system, please click here. English subtitles can be enabled by clicking on the ‘Settings Wheel’ at the bottom right of the video > Subtitles > Auto-Translate > Choose your language.

BIFA would like to thank FIATA for allowing the reproduction of this alert.