Stowaways in trucks – what are your latest experiences?

BIFA has been approached by the RHA regarding research that it is conducting regarding the number of incidents involving stowaways found in trucks and damage to cargo. 

BIFA agreed to forward information regarding this work to its Members because some, particularly in the road freight environment, will be impacted.  Also, recent legislation is likely to increase the incidence of stowaways trying to enter the UK via truck.

The RHA is using Analytiqa, the independent research and analysis company that already works with companies like Barclays, CBRE, HFW, and UPS with research into migrant stowaway activity on trucks – as well as loads which are spoilt or damaged as a result within the inbound UK supply chain.

The survey takes 10 minutes to complete, and all individual responses will remain completely confidential. They will not be disclosed to ANY persons outside of Analytiqa. Only the analysis of the amalgamated results will be made available.

The RHA has worked with Analytiqa over the years and has assured BIFA that Analytiqa will ensure the confidentiality of the information.

If you are interested in taking part in this research survey , please click here.