2 Days to Go – SPS Import Controls from 31st January 2024

As you might be aware, new import controls for SPS goods imported from the EU are coming into force on January 31st. Please see below a reminder from DEFRA, which provides information on what changes will be made, and how to prepare.

What changes are coming on 31 January 2024? 

  • The introduction of health certification on imports from the EU/EFTA of medium risk: 
    - animal products 
    - plants 
    – plant products. 
  • The introduction of health certification on imports of high-risk food and feed of non-animal origin via the EU/EFTA. 
  • ​​​​​​​The introduction of import notifications for EU/EFTA products (ie not Qualifying Northern Irish Goods) from the island of Ireland to Great Britain. 
  • The introduction of the Common Health Entry Document (CHED) import notification in place of the IMP for import notifications of EU/EFTA imports of Products of Animal Origin (POAO) and for High Risk Food and Feed of Non-Animal Origin (HRFNAO) imported into GB via the EU/EFTA. 

Prepare for the changes that are coming: 

  1. Know your risk-category – use the online guidance to find the risk category of your commodity 
  2. Ensure that your EU supply chain is preparing to provide you with health certificates and/or phytosanitary certificates.
    – From 31st January 2024, GB authorities encourage the use of a digitally signed and verifiable GB export health certificate (EHC) in place of the paper version of the certificate for live animals and POAO imports from EU and EFTA countries where the PDF health certificate can be electronically verified. We will accept verifiable PDF certificates from TRACES and other EU/EFTA MS systems listed on GOV UK
  3. Be ready to correctly submit your import notification in IPAFFS: 
  4. Click here to watch the webinar recording for Importing HRFNAO via the EU to GB: the new CHED Part 1 notification 
  5. Click here to watch the webinar recording for Importing animal products from the EU to GB: New CHED Part 1 notification  
  6. Read our introductory information leaflets for businesses on health certificates and import notifications.