Membership Cancellations

Listed below are cancellations for the previous month. Not to be confused with companies of a similar name, by accessing the link you can see the name and date of companies that have left BIFA and FIATA membership.

These companies are no longer authorised to display the BIFA or FIATA Logos and to use the BIFA Standard Trading Conditions, and have been instructed to remove all reference to BIFA and FIATA from their websites, stationary and media.

To establish if a company is a legitimate member of BIFA, which includes automatic membership of FIATA, please use the Member Search facility, which is updated daily

Any comments regarding the companies listed can be addressed to Sarah Milton..

Caution: There may be companies, legitimate or otherwise, whilst not being members of BIFA or FIATA, displaying the BIFA and/or FIATA Logos and promoting their use of the BIFA Standard Trading Conditions on their websites, documents and communications. These companies are not authorised to do so and are therefore in breach of copyright law, including unauthorised use of; BIFA’s and FIATA’s registered trademarks and intellectual property. These companies will most likely not have adequate liability insurance cover in place, so procurement of services from these companies is entirely at your own risk.

Please Note: BIFA is not a regulator or ombudsman and does not assist in the event of a complaint or claim against companies that are not current members.