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NCTS Phase 5 Communication #7 – Amend Rejections
Following the initial announcement related to NCTS 5 implementation, HMRC has released further Phase 5 information related to amending rejected declarations. Please see the attached guide for more information.
NCTS Phase 5 Communication #6 – Draft Save Retrieve Amend
Following the initial announcement related to NCTS 5 implementation, HMRC has released further Phase 5 information related to pre-lodging and amending declarations. Please see the attached guide for more information.
NCTS Phase 5 Communication #5 – Office of Incident
Following the initial announcement related to NCTS 5 implementation, HMRC has released further Phase 5 information regarding the Office of Incident role. Please see the attached guide for more information.
NCTS Phase 5 Communication #4 – Get Ready
Following the initial announcement related to NCTS 5 implementation, HMRC has released further Phase 5 information. Please see the attached guide for more information.
NCTS Phase 5 Communication #2 – Transition from P4 to P5
Following the initial announcement related to NCTS 5, HMRC has released further information regarding the specific implementation time. NCTS 5 declarations will be required from 16th November 2023. Please see
NCTS Phase 5 Communication #1 – Introduction
As you might be aware, the currently used New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) Phase 4 will be replaced by the NCTS Phase 5 system. To meet the requirements of the