One of the benefits of BIFA membership is the access to a range of internationally accepted uniform transport documents.

These documents are only available for the exclusive use of BIFA member companies and provide a standard recognised world-wide by other forwarders, banks, and insurance companies. Further details on these documents can be found further down this page.

Printed documents supplied by BIFA:

  • FIATA Multimodal Bill of Lading (FBL)
  • FIATA Multimodal Transport Waybill (FWB)
  • FIATA Forwarders Certificate of Receipt (FCR)

Please contact [email protected] to request these documents.

Paperless documents supplied by FIATA:

Your liability insurance should cover the issue of FIATA documents and FIATA Standard Conditions, and BIFA is obliged to see evidence of cover before the processing of any orders.

All printed FIATA documents are issued according to strict controls on format, layout and colour. BIFA’s own licence agreement with FIATA does not allow us to deviate from these prescriptions.

Good Practice Guides (GPG)

FIATA’s Good Practice series of documents are for the exclusive use of current BIFA Members.

If you experience difficulty in opening/downloading the file(s) below, please contact our Policy and Compliance team using the contact form.

FIATA – Using FIATA Documents

FIATA – BIFA Licence to print FIATA Multimodal Bills of Lading (FBL)

FIATA – Publications Price List

FIATA – A Guide to paperless Bills of Lading

GPG FIATA – Cybersecurity Essentials – Navigating the Digital Landscape Safely

GPG FIATA – Best Practise Guide on Electronic Contracting

GPG FIATA – A Guide to abandoned goods

GPG FIATA – A Guide to FMC Final Rule Toolkit

GPG FIATA – Container Shipping and Container Deposits

GPG FIATA – Container Shipping and quality of containers

GPG FIATA – Guide to Demurrage and Detention in Container Shipping