BIFA’s Good Practice series is for the exclusive use of current BIFA Members.

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If you have a question relating to the content of a document, please contact BIFA’s Director General.

GPG BIFA – A Guide to setting up as a Freight Forwarder

GPG BIFA – A Guide to the CTU code

GPG BIFA – A Guide to the international maritime dangerous goods (IMDG) code

GPG BIFA – A Guide for Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) applicants

GPG BIFA – A Guide to the bribery act

GPG BIFA – A Guide to cargo agency agreements

GPG BIFA – A Guide to logistics agreements

GPG BIFA – A Guide to the basics of insurance

GPG BIFA – A Guide to the use of Incoterms®

GPG BIFA – A Guide to documentary letters of credit

GPG BIFA – A Guide to dealing with personal effects

GPG BIFA – A Guide to COD and Shipper’s disbursements

GPG BIFA – A Guide to sub-contracting

GPG BIFA – A Guide to due diligence on release of bills of lading and freight

GPG BIFA – A Guide to due diligence regarding credit application Procedures

GPG BIFA – A Guide to due diligence at an individual shipment basis

GPG BIFA – A Guide to minimising supplier risk

GPG BIFA – An Introduction to shipping Medicines and Vaccines

GPG BIFA – A Guide to the use of BIFA Standard Trading Conditions 2021

GPG BIFA – A Guide on the appointment and responsibilities of a customs agent

GPG BIFA – A Guide to Telex Release

GPG BIFA – Guidance on the difference between a declarant’s liabilities under customs law and excise law

GPG BIFA – A Guide to Insurance and Claims Handling

GPG BIFA – Exercising A Lien Using The BIFA Standard Trading Conditions