CDS Update – NIQUO Statement Code

Following the initial HMRC announcement related to numerous CDS updates, it has been brought to our attention that an additional error has been identified with the guidance for AI Code NIQUO in appendix 4B National.

As a response, HMRC has issued a correct guidance to mitigate the issue. Please see the instructions below:

AI Statement Code to be declaredDescription and Usage of CodeDetails to be entered on the declaration or clearance requestImport/ Export/ Both
NIQUOUsed to declare applicable goods subject to Tariff Rate Quotas into Northern Ireland without being subject to safeguard charges where relevant quotas are open

• a UK Quota to be claimed on goods imported into NI from RoW  or

• GB- NI movements to count towards EU-UK quotas where EU trade defence measures are in place (for example, movements of steel that would otherwise attract additional duties)
For RoW-NI movements, enter the relevant EU Quota Order Number and the word ‘QUOTA’. DE 8/1 must also be completed with the UK Quota Order Number and DE 2/2 with codes NIQUO and NIIMP

For GB-NI movements, DE 2/2 must contain NIDOM and NIQUO. Enter the EU Quota Order Number in the free text box of DE 2/2 and the word QUOTA.   DE 8/1 must be left blank